Thursday, December 30, 2010

Escaping Mediocrity

I think the one enemy of mankind that has kept us from greatness is the sense of mediocrity that we sometimes feel obligated to. That's right! I said 'obligated to'. In Asia where we live, mediocrity has become part of our culture. Under the pretense of being humble we submit to mediocrity. We train our children to be falsely humble making them deceptive. One bumper sticker I read put it really well. It read, 'Kiasu University, Be smart, Act blur'.

As Christians we sometimes submit to mediocrity under the guise of humility, and piety. Realistically speaking though, mediocrity has never characterized our Christian faith in any way. The manger in Bethlehem was a bold statement, the cross and the suffering were bold statements of excellence. It was never halfway but all the way. When Jesus healed the sick he did a complete and thorough job. When he fed the masses, it was spectacular.When he calmed the storm he commanded respect.When he led Peter to his biggest catch, it was above speculation, and when he rose from the dead, it was beyond compare.

So why do we who claim to represent his name wallow in the mire of mediocrity? We do the bare minimum in social aid and justice. We start schools and hospitals to take care of the basic needs of people. Our rehab homes say a warm 'bye bye' to the inmates once the program is over only to find them going back to the habit once they are out there. We are content in doing our 'part'. Completion is not an important factor.

In our churches we are content with mediocre talent serving in ministries. Don't get me wrong. We should welcome the gifts of willing individuals but those gifts must progressively be honed and sharpened to serve. The church has to be the City set on a Hill for all to follow.

In business, there are those who hold back because they are still under the delusion that one can't do well in business without being dishonest. The truth is that the Christian businessman is a pastor and an evangelist in the world and to the world that he has been called. His message is that God is his boss and Heaven is his resource. His mission statement is summed up in Joshua 1:8 and his charge is Joshua 1:9. His benefits are measured according to Philippians 4:19. The Christian is identified with the Eagle not the Turkey.

As we face a new year and a new decade, we need to shake off all trappings of mediocrity that would keep us in the miry clay. Be the best, plan big goals not small ones. Challenge your own inhibitions and have a great time doing it.

The Lord is my Shepherd.... I SHALL NOT WANT!!!!! Psalm 23:12
Give me that Mountain..... Joshua 14:12 ( Caleb's request at 85 years of age)
Let no man's heart fail because of him, your servant will go and fight this Philistine 1 Sam.17:32 ( David's challenge against Goliath)

The Bible is filled with many more like this. It's worked for them, it will work for us.

Have a great year ahead.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Almost Mugged on the Highway

Everytime one of you sends me a scary email I always check it up on the web at truthorfiction. com to verify the story.

well you won't have to do it with this one. This one which is a real textbook popular email case happened to me.

Today the 4th of Jan 2010 I was driving back from KL via the Sungai Besi road. I made an exit to the road that leads to Mid Valley and Taman desa. As I was driving I was also talking to one of our worship team members on the phone(using my hands free of course)when I heard a honk on my left side. When I turned to look I saw this very ordinary, big brother like Indian guy on a small bike pointing to my wheel and indicating with his hands that there were fumes. ( Somebody mentioned this on an email before) At first I continued driving and talking. Then he honked again and looked concerned so I decided to pull over. Just as I did I noticed he pulled over about 20 yards away from me and got off his bike. Just then, every horror story I've read on the email flashed in my mind and I thought O God, what if this guy's a mugger. I thought quickly, started my car and started driving indicating to him that it's alright. By this time he was already walking towards the car. As I drove off, I noticed about a hundred meters away another indian guy on the motorbike looking back at the scene very disappointed.
I drove to my regular tyre shop (Kee Hin) along Old Klang Road and checked my car and found nothing wrong with it.
Everything they did was classic like from out of an email warning. Pointing at the tyres, pulling up in front and pretending to help.

This is the funny thing though. Most if these cases happen with people with good cars and look wealthy enough to make the robbery worthwhile. I am a middle aged man driving a 1991 Ford Laser Sedan. Most of you have Mobile phones that are more expensive than my car and yet it didn't deter them. Please be careful everyone esp. ladies. These guys seem to be targeting everyone now. Quotas must have gone up. Keep your cars locked while driving, park in very public areas, and don't stop for anything.

Ps 91:11
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

This verse became real for me today. Thank you Lord for you protection.