Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Light under a bushel

Of late I have been bombarded by email articles of the impending doom of society and that rebutted by the overwhelming victory of the Grace of God that overpowers such prophecies of doom. The environment is filled with one Christian group mocking the other for its ways one way or another, "We are not a works church, we are a grace church", or "this grace group does not preach the full gospel". Then there are those who pound their members to better their ways, and another group that would swing the pendulum completely to the other side. The irony is that all these groups claim to represent Christ ( and they do ). But in all this fight,it's incredibly difficult to find Christ in the equation. Jesus seems to be absent. The believer's close relationship with God seems to be closed off by a barrier of confusion. Have we not understood that the more we argue about such non-essentials, YES! I said non-essentials, the more we confuse and stumble those looking for direction?

Have we lost sight of the power of "example"? Jesus' preaching was effective only because he lived it first.His life was too attractive to ignore. His success was simply his adherence to the principles, 'love God, love your neighbor as yourself'. The first 'Commandment', he epitomized in the garden of Gethsemane when he said, Not my will but Thine be done (Matthew 26:39) and the second by His sacrificial death on the cross as Paul puts it in Romans 5:8 "God shows his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us". Peter the apostle caps it off brilliantly by saying, " For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:1 Pet 2:21"

If our example and the way we live the Gospel is attractive, people will follow. The truth is that no matter how we try to present Christianity with our methods, it has not been attractive enough for the world to want to follow in a big way. That's our problem.

As a former life insurance agent I've been taught that those who make it big in the business are the ones who truly believe. How do you know if an agent is a believer? Ask him how much coverage he's bought on his own life. That shows how much he believes in what he is selling. Do we really believe enough to walk the talk? (Romans 12:1-2). Is our talk filled with condemnation? Is our talk filled with superficial excitement? Can you see how this confuses the world? We may deride the world for it's bad values sold on the media but the truth is that they have not seen an alternative strong enough to rival it.

Recently I read an article that said it was sad that Christian efforts (e.g. arts, music, programs) are always associated with mediocrity. WOW!. We are always half baked in the things we do, double minded and we are receiving the just reward as James put it, NOTHING!!!!
By the way, the article was in a Christian magazine.

I believe that the world has yet to see a revelation of the sons of God who without fear will manifest his glory in the world. I also believe that the key is in our imitation of Christ. Paul said in Ephesians 5:1, "Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

Imitate God? Wow!that's a high calling. But that's what it is. Thomas Aquinas in his last days stopped writing and arguing theology and spent his time in contemplation of God.The longer I stay in church the more I find that Christ is becoming less and less apparent. O that we may see him in all his glory plain and simple in our lives again.

Open the eyes of my heart Lord
To see you high and lifted up
Shinning in the light of your Glory
Pour out your power and love
As we sing Holy Holy Holy.

God Bless